Friday, November 9, 2012

Danger of a single story

Having a single story means that you only believe what you want to believe. This means that you won't listen to others and that you will only agree to people who have the same opinion as you do. Having a single story is dangerous. It could be bad for you. You would be preventing yourself from exploring other things. This is bad for your head. Be open to others opinion. Just because someone has different doesn't mean anything. Now it's not always our fault. The media shows us things that causes us to think bad things about other people. Others are like us. We may look different and show things differently, but we are almost the same. There is only one single story I can remember, well...2. 1) My family thinks that white people are snobs, rich, spoiled people who get whatever they want. The other I won't explain due to the description my family uses. Now it's not always our fault. The media shows us things that causes us to think bad things about other people. Others are like us. We may look different and show things differently, but we are almost the same.

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