Friday, December 7, 2012

Choose your learning topic

Name of the topic you picked:  I am choosing to do Adaptation Through Evolution by using the example of Bats using Echolocation.

Name of the website: Organization for Bat Conservation

Link:  Here is the link: Right 'her

Author of the resources: 
Shannon Currie

Date it was made: ??/??/2012

Date you found it: 12/07/12

Fact 1:Bats are the only known mammal to actually "fly" instead of gliding like most "flying" mammals. They are closely related to shrews and moles and like previously said, are the only known mammals to "fly". 

Fact 2: Bats, unlike birds, do not flap their entire arm(or limb) but simply use their fingers, which resemble our fingers but are way longer  and are webbed with skin that allows them to achieve flight. 

Fact 3: Bat fingers are like humans, but are more flexible than human fingers and are also kinda flat allowing them to fly more easily.

Fact 4: You can own bats as pets, but that is probably not a good idea. They are the main source of rabies and can take a lot of attention.

Fact 5: Bats cover themselves to conserve heat. 

 Describe what kind of objects you could hide for this game: My game would have bugs, special types of plants and animals.
 Describe what you game scene might look like: My game would be in a forest and the screen is really dark. The player would be an animal and would be using echolocation and smell to find out what is where and to find certain objects like the noise of the frog, or the smell of a banana plant. To further explain: You would see the name of an animal, it's cry, and it's name. Then, in the game, if you scroll over the animal button hidden in darkness, you would hear the cry and then you would find the animal and/or plant. For plant, it would be represented by a color.

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